Quirky fourth-grader Oggie Cooder has a unique talent. When bored or nervous, he chews processed cheese slices into the shape of states; he calls it “charving.” Accidentally, this cheese chewing gets him chosen for the TV show Hidden Talents. Suddenly, he is the most famous fourth-grader in Wauwatosa, Wis. Donnica Perfecto, an ambitious classmate, becomes his manager, kids all over are imitating his odd clothing and crocheted shoelaces and, best of all, the boys in his class invite him to play basketball and even help him improve his game. But fame has its downside. As Donnica and the TV people attempt to change him, Oggie resists, realizing that that Hollywood is Donnica’s dream, not his. Many characters will be familiar to young readers: the tight group of overprivileged girls, the jocks and the slightly dorky boy oblivious to sarcasm and social cues. What is refreshing is that Oggie doesn’t have to change his nature to change his social status. Gentle humor with a satisfying message for middle-grade readers. (Fiction. 7-10)