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LINES by Sarvinder Naberhaus


by Sarvinder Naberhaus ; illustrated by Melinda Beck

Pub Date: Aug. 22nd, 2017
ISBN: 978-1-4814-9074-0
Publisher: Little Simon/Simon & Schuster

Bit by bit a line transforms into greater shapes until it encompasses the solar system.

A line becomes a group of lines that make a square. An arced line becomes a group of arced lines that make a circle. As the book progresses, the square becomes a square with many smaller squares inside, and a group of these squares-cum-houses becomes a town. The circle also becomes more than just a circle as it transforms into a vehicle, and other lines, squares, and circles become even more vehicles and people that go up and down and all around the town; then from town to town, round and round until they encompass the solar system. The text is spare with just one, two, or three words per page. The illustrations are geometric, stylized, and colorful, as befits the theme. Most of the faces formed by the circles are white—literally white, with the exception of a few green or blue ones. Readers on the younger end of the target audience are likely to key in on the idea of geometrical forms as building blocks; older ones can be engaged in the more abstract concept of interconnectedness.

A deceptively simple book.

(Board book. 2-4)