An Intelligence Officer attached to the Psychological Warfare Division surveys opinion inside Germany, from October, 1944 to the defeat, Padover interviewed all strata of population in the sector around Aachen. He found, throughout, a distressing unanimity of response and reaction as each Nazi began with a denunciation of Hitler, ended with justification of war, denied knowledge of or implication in the atrocities, disclaimed personal responsibility, squirmed, whined, apologized...Here we see a people destroyed by the disease of obedience, with no desire for resistance nor change. Here also is the first experiment of the AMG as it operated in the Aachen area, where Americans showed no defined policy, retained Nazis in office as the easiest way, and had little realization of what was at stake. The report offers valuable material, in too great detail for the average reader, but it should be read to offset the apathy of the masses.