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THE MISTRESS EXPERIENCE by Scarlett Peckham Kirkus Star


From the Society of Sirens series, volume 3

by Scarlett Peckham

Pub Date: June 25th, 2024
ISBN: 9780062935656
Publisher: Avon/HarperCollins

An infamous courtesan and a reserved earl share a month of new experiences.

Thaïs Magdalene is known in London as the “best fuck in Britain,” and that’s exactly how she likes it. She accepts one patron a week, for one night only, and never the same man twice. Now, her notoriety will deepen further, because in order to raise money for her beloved Institute for the Equality of Women, she’s auctioning off an entire month of her favors. Twenty-five thousand guineas later, she’s preparing to spend the next 30 days with a filthy-rich poet—or so she thinks. In fact, when she arrives at the address she’s been given, she learns that she’s actually about to spend a month in the middle of nowhere with the upright Lord Alastair Eden, who is “about the furthest thing from a whoring rakehell she [can] imagine.” And Alistair is definitely nervous about his month with Thaïs, but he’s determined to see it through. A friend helped him secretly bid for her services because he’s hoping to marry soon, and since he has little experience in the bedroom, he’s hired her to be absolutely sure he knows how to pleasure his future wife, whoever she may be. Because Alastair is shy, they don’t jump right to the sex lessons; instead, Thaïs puts together a schedule, and they slowly work through the many ways a married couple can make each other happy. As they approach the end of their month together, Thaïs starts wondering if Alastair could be the husband to give her the family she’s secretly wanted for many years, but Alastair doesn’t allow himself to think about it since he’s got plans to marry a society lady—until Thaïs leaves. This plot is a perfect match for Peckham’s mastery of erotic writing, providing multiple opportunities for breathtakingly intimate scenes and providing rich emotional development alongside the steam. Readers who like their historical romances big, bawdy, and over the top will be thrilled by the conclusion to Peckham’s Society of Sirens series, especially as it ties up some loose ends from the first two books.

A scorching and compelling historical romance.