In Abé’s latest Gilded Age historical fiction, the author examines the life of Arabella Huntington, who was born into poverty in Alabama before the Civil War and became the richest woman in the United States.
Arabella Yarrington is helping to support her family in post–Civil War Richmond when Collis Potter Huntington, an industrialist and railroad tycoon, happens to visit the gambling saloon where she serves champagne to patrons. Immediately attracted to the woman 30 years his junior, Collis begins visiting the boardinghouse Belle’s mother owns. Quick to spot an opportunity to help her family escape the grinding struggle to make ends meet, Belle sets about using Collis’ affection to secure financial stability, eventually taking her mother and siblings with her to New York City, where she lives as a kept woman and eventually the mother of Collis’ son. But Collis is married, and his wife is eager to take revenge on the woman she sees stealing away the affection of her husband. Belle must use her wits and cunning not only to maintain some level of control over her life with Collis, but also to secure a more stable financial footing, as she becomes increasingly aware that everything she and her family have is based on the largesse of a man beholden to the demands of his wife. With starter funds from Collis, Belle is able to build her own real estate portfolio, giving herself and her family some protection. But it is her eventual marriage to Collis after his first wife’s death that brings Belle her immense wealth. Though the narrative sometimes drags and shifts in perspective between Belle and her mother don’t add much to the story, this is an interesting examination of a lesser-known figure from the Gilded Age, one whose story extends beyond the confines of late-19th-century New York. The lack of attention to more than the financial difficulties in post–Civil War Richmond may strike some readers as a missed opportunity, but fans of stories set during the period will find much to enjoy.
This story of one woman’s ascent offers a fascinating look at the choices she made to become a Gilded Age titan.