All in one day: A girl in class drops Mouseketeer ears on Mike's head (his best friend has let it out that Mike is a Mickey Mouse freak), and Mike is blamed for the disturbance. His locker is broken into and his one prized possession, a basketball, is stolen. His square dance partner is absent so he has to pair up with the teacher for the upcoming school fiesta performance. He is trying to study in the school library when two guys come along and bug him, and he is sent to the principal for telling them to bug off. It's no wonder that Mike, in answer to the principal's stern question, yells out I'M MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE. This gets him sent to the school shrink, but to Mike's relief Dr. Felix only chats about Mickey Mouse (he too is a fan) and leaves him with an open invitation to talk whenever things get too much for Mike and Mickey to handle. Earlier Mike had grumbled that the bad guys get all the fun, and now a couple of tacked-on encounters lead him to observe that bad guys and good guys are not that easily defined. It's too bad Gordon didn't bother to plant this a little deeper into the featherweight story. However, it's all as easily assimilated as the bumper sticker that inspired Mike's outburst.