Friedman, an activist and rabbi, turns a protest song she co-wrote with her husband, leadership coach Yotam Schachter, into a tale of collective action.
Her anthem extends to encompass various aspects of the climate movement, from grassroots efforts to political activity. A diverse array of characters protest, march, canvass, and talk to policymakers, as well as engaging in gardening and storytelling. All are clearly heeding a vital warning from the planet itself to “make a better choice!” While the fight is challenging, Friedman emphasizes that it’s always better to try than to remain passive. Her words are lyrical and elegant, though a few turns of phrase may confuse younger readers (“Immune cells of the Earth, we rise: / One giant, swelling enterprise”). Kita’s colorful montages set an optimistic tone, depicting activists uniting to save the Earth from climate change. Both the author and the illustrator acknowledge the effects of global warming: Scenes of oil rigs over once-pristine beaches serve as examples of the encroachment of industrial activity on natural landscapes, while a dramatic spread portrays raging storms and forest fires. These visuals, combined with images of protestors holding signs and hands, create a striking contrast between human exploitation of the Earth and the work many are doing to help heal the planet.
A vibrant ode to the climate movement.
(song lyrics) (Picture book. 4-8)