An abuse survivor provides advice for those seeking a spiritual awakening in this Christian self-help manual.
“Sometimes,” Ambalita notes, “we look for miracles outside of ourselves without realizing that we are the miracle we have been praying and searching for.” To her, no biblical figure personifies this notion more than David, who arose from humble origins as a shepherd boy to defeat the giant Goliath. Although few people may confront physical giants on a battlefield, the book notes we all have our own metaphorical giants to fight, from external crises to inner turmoil and self-doubt. She writes of a woman named Zarita, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and domestic violence, and displays an awareness of the profound impact that traumatic experiences can have in one’s life. However, although one may alleviate physical and mental pain with medication, she says, too often “the spirit’s suffering is easily overlooked.” The author says that she hopes that her story will inspire others to similarly seek help from God and embrace “a David-like giant spirit within.” To that end, the Christian theme of rebirth plays a central role in the book, which blends anecdotes of personal triumph with pragmatic advice on how to apply empowering strategies to one’s own life. The book’s Christianity is ecumenical by nature, never leaning into theological differences between denominations, and it combines Bible verses with rather familiar self-help advice (“Ordinary people can do extraordinary things”). However, as it delves into difficult topics, such as abuse, the book offers a consistently encouraging message of hope and “positive motivational nourishment.” At the same time, it acknowledges that spiritual renewal isn’t always easy, even when it seems “life is on a fast track of goodness and positive change”; the author helpfully reminds readers of David’s weaknesses and self-inflicted pain. Those looking for a scholarly biblical analysis won’t find it here, as the book lacks citations and rarely delves into the nuances of Christian doctrine. However, Ambalita’s own story provides ample room for hope.
A pragmatic guidebook for spiritual renewal.