In this third installment of the Shadow Sword series, a centuries-old rivalry continues to threaten a kingdom, weaving the lives of friends and enemies together in a complex tapestry.
Betrayed by the warrior Val Arques, the dread lord and seer king Roaran is being held captive by the cruel ghoul god Archanin. Tortured relentlessly, Roaran has immortal blood that will not allow him to die, healing him quickly and causing his torment to last for years. Dannon, a former Varee raider and betrayer of Archanin, is tasked with leading a brotherhood meant to free Roaran and save the kingdom from the ghoul god’s tyranny. Meanwhile, Val is stuck in the past, looking after a woman now possessed by his charge, Kaell. This woman brought forth Roaran’s daughter, Genya, destined for great things. The line between good and evil shifts back and forth as the ghoul Raggamirron grows close to the captive Roaran and the seer king must contend with the guilt over his own unsavory deeds. The fate of this fantasy world relies on the actions of many diverse characters with differing needs and motives, all fighting their own personal battles to do what they believe is best. The riveting narrative flows back and forth in time, with many of the characters living for centuries, harboring old wounds, and yearning for vengeance. As in the previous volumes, Hartland’s writing is smooth and digestible; her action sequences are particularly compelling and sure to please fans of the series. Her characters are blessed with sensitivity and very human foibles, grounding them in reality despite the story’s mythic setting. This installment is best read after the previous two, as the saga’s lore is vast and intricate.
A gripping epic fantasy with plenty of intrigue, passion, and action.