Final installment of Lawhead's Pendragon cycle (Taliesin, 1987; Merlin, Arthur, Pendragon, not seen) with its roots deep in Atlantis and, here, an unexpectedly upbeat ending. Gwalchavad of Orkney's narrative is framed by the dire imprecations of Morgian, the evil Queen of Air and Darkness, who ultimately must be vanquished. But, first, King Arthur makes peace with the invading Vandals, whom he has defeated; and soon the Irish knight Llenlleawg (Lancelot) will be seduced by the beautiful Morgaws, Morgian's creature, into betraying Arthur with Queen Gwenhwyvar so that the familiar tale, singularly reworked, may be brought to its unfamiliar conclusion. For fans of the series: Lawhead's interpretation is different and distinctive, though this volume, while independently intelligible, is no place to start. (First printing of 35,000)