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THE ACHILLES TRAP by Steve Coll Kirkus Star


Saddam Hussein, the CIA, and the Origins of America's Invasion of Iraq

by Steve Coll

Pub Date: Feb. 27th, 2024
ISBN: 9780525562269
Publisher: Penguin Press

The Pulitzer Prize–winning author returns with a tour de force examination of the events leading up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

As Coll, author of Ghost Wars and Directorate S, points out, Saddam Hussein left thousands of hours of tapes, many of which the author’s lawyers extracted from the Pentagon. Though Hussein was a vicious tyrant, Ronald Reagan preferred him to Iran’s theocrats, supported his invasion of Iran, and played down his use of poison gas and genocidal atrocities against his own people. Hussein was undoubtedly cruel and paranoid, but his belief that the U.S. favored Israel was correct. American support vanished when he invaded Kuwait in 1990. After his 1991 rout, observers assumed that his days were numbered. When he proceeded to crush all opposition, U.S. leaders initially tried to control him by sanctions and actions short of war, such as no-fly zones. Ironically, he’d destroyed his atomic and chemical infrastructure so well that hundreds of inspections turned up little, but his persistent boasting convinced many that he was hiding something. By the late 1990s, a growing number of U.S. officials were urging more aggressive action. At the same time, terrorism had become a worldwide obsession. Hussein loathed Islamic fundamentalists, but there was no shortage of conspiracy theories about a top-secret connection, including “contacts between Iraq and al-Qaeda.” Upon learning that intelligence agencies couldn’t confirm Hussein’s terrorist plots or the existence of weapons of mass destruction, administration leaders were frustrated. Speaking truth to power was never a CIA strong suit, so the agency obligingly confirmed what did not exist. This helped in the short run because the invasion was widely supported in the U.S. That the invasion ultimately proved disastrous has been well documented by others, but Coll’s unparalleled research into its background turns up a great deal of unfamiliar, illuminating information.

Required reading for all conscientious citizens.