The dedication reads: ""To my mother and father...forgive me"" and this is the sorry tale of what happened to one Playmate-of-the-Month in Hugh Hefner's booby kingdom. Miss Marshe, an eighteen-year-old Norwegian, came to America as an au pair girl. One year later she was ""Miss Superfuck of the month""--playboy's Centerfold. So you think you want to be a bunny? Just read the details of life in the New York club. So you think you'd love to spend some time in Hefner's Chicago pleasure palace? Read about the non-happenings. And you'd like to be an ""anatomic bomb?"" Check out the facts, the promotion junkets and the ""heh heh's."" Miss Marshe is a sadder but much wiser girl and she really manages to psych out what was wrong...with herself as well as this curious Playboy phenomena. Real Centerfold should keep some bunnies out of the warren.