Evenhanded, straightforward and filled with information, this thoughtful tale will doubtless be welcomed by educators and parents, particularly since little else is available on the topic of deer hunting. Sixth-grader Sam eagerly anticipates his first excursion with his friend Eric and Eric’s father. They head out into the snowy woods early and settle down to wait. They spot several deer, a hawk, a woodpecker and some squirrels, but head home empty-handed. Although he enjoys the camaraderie and the chance to be outdoors, Sam isn’t sorry that the trip is unsuccessful. In fact, he decides that he prefers target practice to hunting—at least for now. Wrenn’s oil paintings do a good job of setting the scene and conveying the quiet beauty of the natural world. Unfortunately, her depiction of the characters is less successful. Whether young readers will warm to this introspective story is unclear. Here’s hoping the answer is yes, since the very worthwhile message, that opposing viewpoints need not lead inevitably to hostility, is delivered clearly and concisely. (Picture book. 8-11)