Danger dominates the life of a 16-year-old girl who sees her mother murdered and tries to escape the same fate.
Liza merely walks through a tunnel at the wrong time. The killers she passes mark her for death, but they miss and shoot her mother instead. After a second attempt on Liza’s life, the FBI moves Liza and her dad into the witness-protection program. All might be well, except that the FBI appears to have no control over journalists, who make Liza’s disappearance into a national tabloid story. All might still be well, except that Liza refuses to dye her flaming red hair and keeps losing hats. Shaw tells her story through the eyes of a young girl who undergoes serious trauma and tries to cling to her past even as she fears the killers. Liza wants to settle into a normal life with her dad even if they can’t return home, but she finds it difficult to trust anyone she meets. Could wild coincidences really be coincidental? The author creates a completely believable character in Liza, who often reverts to childlike emotions only to learn the hard way that cold reality takes precedence over even dearly held wishes. Kudos for the unexpected double ending, both illusory and realistic, giving readers a choice.