Set in late-1930s Poland, this haunted epic recounts the violent life of an aging Jewish prizefighter who finds another outlet for his brutish skills as a powerful drug lord's enforcer.
A hero in Warsaw's Jewish community for demolishing the stereotype of the weak Jew by battering his boxing opponents, 37-year-old heavyweight Jakub Szapiro thinks nothing of murdering Jews as well as gentiles outside the ring. The Hebrew letters for "death" are tattooed on the fingers of his right hand. Though he is a caring husband and father whose loving wife is trying to wear down his resistance to immigrating to Palestine, he cavorts with prostitutes. He pines for the ex-flame who runs the local brothel—and who, like most women in the book, is at risk of being physically abused by men. The book's unreliable narrator is Moyshe, the 17-year-old son of one of Jakub's victims, a struggling shopkeeper and administrative clerk who failed to pay his debts. Impressed by Jakub's "arrogantly grand" manner in the ring, the teenager dispassionately watches as the enforcer drags his father away by the beard and, with two cohorts, later dismembers him. Drawn into Jakub's hellish world after the enforcer adopts him, the boy loses all sense of self. He has visions of a sperm whale floating over the city, staring at Moyshe's Jonah with burning eyes. "Instead of God, I began to believe in monstrosity," Moyshe says. Streaked with magic realism and dream logic, the novel slides eerily between reality and illusion, 1930s Poland and 1980s Israel, where Moyshe has morphed into a retired Israeli army officer typing out his Warsaw memories. Driven by a ruthless energy, the first of Twardoch's novels to be available in an English translation is astonishing and heartbreaking in equal measure. It never runs out of revelation.
A wickedly enthralling novel by one of Poland's emerging literary stars.