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ROAR! by Tammi Sauer


by Tammi Sauer ; illustrated by Liz Starin

Pub Date: Sept. 29th, 2015
ISBN: 978-1-4814-0224-8
Publisher: Paula Wiseman/Simon & Schuster

Who said St. George had the last word when it comes to dragons? Not Sauer’s mite, nor his fire-breathing friends.

A ragamuffin makes himself a dragon costume. He may look like one of the lads from Sherwood Forest, but he plays the part of a dragon well. Well...not so much when two real dragons drop by for a visit. “ROAR! Look at me, look at me! I’m a dragon.” “No. You’re not,” says a dragon. Why, I tower over my cat, I’m toothy, I breathe fire, the boy...well...suggests. Take a look, the dragons suggest in return—not at all superior about their talents, but there’s no doubting who’s a dragon and who’s a kid. “Waaaaaaaaahhhh!” wahs the kid, sealing the fact he’s no dragon. But look what you can do, the dragons say: play hide-and-seek, turn cartwheels, and eat ice cream (the dragons dismally fail at all these). “Waaaaaaaaahhh!” wah the dragons, jeopardizing their dragon status with all the wahing when it dawns on them what they are missing. No one likes to see dragons cry, so the boy points out their commonalities: they can all make silly and scary faces; they can all do the funky monkey. What more, really, do friends need, other than to share time and do weird things? Friendship can be pretty simple, at least at the start, and Sauer—along with some glittering, inviting artwork from Starin—provides encouragement to jump in, despite the incongruities, maybe even because of them.

Bighearted, heart-gladdening, and—best—a light-hearted approach to finding friends.

(Picture book. 4-8)