This third Shannara yarn (The Sword of Shannara, 1977; The Elfstones of Shannara, 1982, paperback only) concludes what is not so much a trilogy as a series with the same tenuous, unconvincing backdrop. Once again evil threatens to engulf the world, this time spread by hordes of pugnacious Gnomes and spectral Mord Wraiths—all of them inspired by an ancient tome of dark sorcery, the Ildatch. Several good guys are determined to locate and destroy the Ildatch, however: Allanon, last of the powerful Druids: young Brin, whose magical "wishsong" is capable of altering reality and blasting enemies (she's reluctant to use this hard-to-control ability); and her faithful brother Jair, who can produce magical illusions. The narrative does offer a few promising ideas, the odd glimmer of involvement, some exciting moments, and a reasonably well-handled plot—so Brooks fans will certainly be pleased. But the good-vs.-evil clash here remains implausibly motivated, thoroughly unfocused—with little to attract readers looking for more than stock heroics, standard menaces, and laser-beam magicking.