A constant stream of complications keeps the life of a small-town Texas police chief eventful.
Jarrett Creek chief of police Samuel Craddock has been dating Wendy Gleason for several years. So he wants to help when her daughter Allison, who’s always in trouble, lands in a Mexican jail. Though she apparently drove into an accident without the special insurance Mexico requires, the lawyer Wendy hires is slow to discover the more precise circumstances. Allison’s problem is put on the back burner when Mark Granger is assaulted after he’s been warned not to renovate his father’s feed store. Melvin Granger is in ill health, and Mark, to the disgust of his sister, Chelsea, and many others, has decided to add a gift shop. When someone named Michael Sullivan is shot dead and a fire is started at the store to try to conceal his body, Craddock starts looking for motives. But the Texas Department of Public Safety has jurisdiction, and Sgt. Leland Reagan, the new district manager, doesn’t want Craddock on the case. Ignoring Reagan, who comes to realize that he’s overextended himself, Craddock taps his many sources for more information on Sullivan, who lives in a nearby town but grew up in Jarrett Creek. The case becomes even more complicated when the construction crew ripping up a floor in the mill finds a long-dead body wrapped in a shellacked tarp. Since Maria Trevino, his trusted deputy, has gone to Mexico to help Allison, Craddock has to delve deep into the past on his own when he learns that Sullivan was one of three young men who installed the floor in the mill 30 years ago.
Long memories help solve a fascinating case in a small town with plenty of big problems.