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QUEST FOR PLANET X by Tessa Gratton


From the Star Wars: The High Republic series

by Tessa Gratton

Pub Date: April 4th, 2023
ISBN: 9781368082877
Publisher: Disney Lucasfilm

A Jedi Padawan and two young prospectors embark on a stolen vessel in search of a mysterious planet and guidance from the Force.

Twelve-year-old White boy Dass Leffbruk jumps at the chance to join the Hyperspace Chase, a high-stakes prospecting race into the frontier. More than anything, he needs to return to Planet X, and his friend Sky Graf, a White pilot who uses they/them pronouns, who has not only a state-of-the-art ship, but a plan for how to find the uncharted planet. Like Dass, Sky intends to prove themself, no matter the cost—even if it means stealing their brother’s ship. When Rooper Nitani, a Jedi Padawan with brown skin and black hair, hears the rumors about conflict on Jedha, she wrestles with her impatience for news from her master. Despite her dislike of privatized space travel, she feels the Force guiding her when Dass begs her to join his prospecting mission for Planet X. As the race begins, their path intertwines with that of Fel Ix, a Kessarine on a mission for the Path of the Open Hand. This High Republic–era adventure follows the perspectives of four characters who are grappling with responsibility, independence, and their sense of purpose in the world. Full of suspenseful action, the story picks up momentum quickly and the pace never lags. Previous High Republic books provide helpful context for understanding significant characters and events.

An exciting chase that will satisfy fans.

(Science fiction. 9-13)