In comparison with the difficult but powerful Stalingrad (1948) and the fast paced The World's Last Corner, (1951- both...



In comparison with the difficult but powerful Stalingrad (1948) and the fast paced The World's Last Corner, (1951- both A.C.C.) this seems a dreary documentary, a record of war for war's sake that is a bit hard to take today. Here is a play by play account of the downfall of the German Army in the siege of Moscow. Told as it is in bits and snatches by various German and Russian officers, it creates a staggering panorama, while at no time does it achieve an emotional impact. This despite incidents such as the one in which the Russian officer retreats to his home town to find that his house is a tomb for his wife. There is a curious effect throughout, for though the Germans are forced back in defeat, a large part of the book still glorifies German superiority in a savage sort of morale as well as in arms. The author painstakingly records brutalities on both sides in an effort to be honest. But for the average reader most of his material belongs in the realm of technical military history, rather than in fiction.

Pub Date: March 4, 1954


Page Count: -

Publisher: Doubleday

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: March 1, 1954

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