Classic works are often reimagined as comics, frequently as an attempt to make stodgy old books attractive and palatable to younger readers. With its action-packed story line and grand adventures, The Odyssey is a natural choice and here translates extremely well to this medium. Mucci’s retelling of Odysseus’s epic journey back to Ithaca is accompanied by boisterous cartoon art in a dazzling array of candy colors. Readers familiar with the tale will recognize all of the encounters and should appreciate its quick plotting and easy digestibility; for those unfamiliar, this creates a solid starting-off point. Though the colorful patina and square-jawed heroes are enticing, the lettering tends to the ornate, rendering it at times difficult to decipher. While this may frustrate those trying to figure out perhaps-unfamiliar Greek names, it shouldn’t detract from the story as a whole. This makes a natural choice for Percy Jackson fans clamoring for what to read next, in both subject matter and high-action pacing. A brisk, energetic read. (Graphic classic. 10 & up)