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From the Count-and-Find-It Adventure series

by Todd H. Doodler & illustrated by Todd H. Doodler

Pub Date: May 29th, 2012
ISBN: 978-1-60905-204-1
Publisher: Blue Apple

This celebration of briefs (not boxers) leaves little to the imagination.

Bear receives an envelope inviting him to follow a trail of undergarments. His journey leads him deep into the dark woods, and even under the kitchen sink, in search of these undies. The final clue takes him to a disco, where blocky, big-eyed, SpongeBob SquarePants–like characters don their recently recovered underpants. A hairy monster with polka-dot briefs, jagged teeth and bare feet balances a bunny and porcupine in either hand and serves as the unusual party's host. “Welcome to FUN-TO-WEAR, / a party about underwear! / Here's every pattern / and every pair. / Count all Ten and shout: / HOORAY FOR BEAR!” Tabbed, numbered pages help readers keep track of the corresponding clothing. Tabs, text bubbles and backgrounds are all color-coordinated with the various undies. Any substantial plot or character development is sacrificed to the gleeful celebration of tightywhities (or stripies, or plaidies or swirlies).

This awkward attempt to force underwear out into the open will likely please many toddlers but few of their grown-ups.

(Board book. 2-3)