A veteran consultant assesses his career after a cancer diagnosis.
In this debut business book, Hilditch looks back on 40 years as an environmental consultant—with a perspective shaped by a recent diagnosis of brain cancer. Hilditch worked for large firms and also founded his own business. Here, he analyzes consulting companies—how consultants interact with clients, what it means to be a good employer or colleague, and how ethical consultants can make a positive difference in the world. Topics include practical matters, like business development, contracts, and billing, along with more abstract considerations, including the role ego plays in the workplace, something Hilditch has studied in depth. The author covers favorite projects, like the restoration of an endangered warbler’s habitat, alongside tips on using LinkedIn to build connections throughout the consulting world. The idiosyncratic blend of personal passions and traditional workplace advice makes this an engaging read, and Hilditch imbues his work with a retrospective self-assessment (“I acknowledge that I have spent the last few decades working intensely as a human ‘doing’ not as a human ‘being’ ”). The text returns frequently to the topic of the ego, and Hilditch does not hesitate to point out when his got in his way before he learned how to check it. Although he primarily addresses his fellow environmental consultants, both the topics and the advice are broadly applicable across the business world. It’s concisely and coherently written, with bulleted summaries at the end of each chapter. While the idea of bringing humility into the work environment is not a new one, Hilditch is a qualified and convincing advocate for the concept, and he makes it clear that being authentic on the job doesn’t conflict with delivering solid financial results.
A cogent, grounded examination of business practices.