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by Tom Taylor ; illustrated by Jon Sommariva

Pub Date: Aug. 30th, 2022
ISBN: 978-0-593-35171-0
Publisher: Razorbill/Penguin

The last of the Lost Boys gambles the fate of Neverland on getting a ragtag group of young friends to enlist in a magical war.

Paco, the only surviving Lost Boy, travels to New York to find new recruits to help him fight a battle to save Neverland. He meets Bee and Luz when he saves their lives during a subway skirmish. Bee then invites him back to their trailer in a junkyard and introduces him to the rest of the crew. While some of them are initially suspicious of Paco, they ultimately agree to go with him to Neverland in hopes of a better life. Adults have built Otherland on the border of Neverland, and it’s a polluted place of greed and exploitation; now they aggressively seek the heart of Neverland, a tree that heals the residents and keeps them young. Paco is hoping that the new arrivals will help him. The fast-paced, adventure-filled storyline forms a well-constructed story that adapts elements from the original world of Peter Pan and includes touches of humor that will keep readers engaged. Cutlass-wielding Tink’s appearance channels KISS by way of David Bowie. The illustrations are bright and expressive, with creatively varied panels that draw readers’ eyes. Names and physical appearances highlight a racially diverse cast.

A thoroughly enjoyable extension of the Peter Pan narrative that explores chosen family.

(Graphic fantasy. 12-15)