Tom Wolfe is becoming the New York Herald Tribune's pet pussy-cat reporter. And why not? Whose writing is as colorful?.."Assassin Pink, Rake-a-cheek raspberry, Nude Strand coral, Honest Thrill Orange and Baby Fawn Lust."... Who is as articulate?..Ggghhzzzzzzzhhhhhhggggggzzzzzzzeeeeeong'".. AND who else writes about WHATS HAPPENING BABY' in this "new world submerged so long, invisible and now arising, slippery, shiny, electric—Super Scuba—man—out of the vinyl deeps." Who could better lay bare the culture makers, the Jet set strata, the hip psyches, the drag (racing) syndrome, symbol status symptoms, custom culture, discotheque derbys, pop art, pop rock, pop corn and offer royal roasts of Murray the K, Cassius Clay, Hey! Hey! an expose of Robert (Confidential) Harrison and Huntington "the intelligentsia Just thrill to the gaucheness of his gestures" Hartford etc. AND-AND-AND Who could have written the title article for Esquire in one night while listening to rock and roll on WABC. "Holy beasts! starving artists' Inspiration!!" W-o-o-o-o-n-n-n-n-derful-l-l. FUN-N-N-NESS! BUT!.. could this be the same Wolfe indulging in passe, even boring, comment on East Side Nannies; typical "Flipniks," LOVE in New York, "Why Doormen Hate Volkswagens" etc? N-n-n-n-n-n-n-o-o-o-o! Will the real Tom Wolfe please stand up. You Sir? Nay Sir! Who Sir! He Sir! You Sir? No Sir' Who Sir? Him Sir! You Sir? Yeh Yeh ME Sir.