The man in the moon—Moon Man—"curled up in his shimmering seat in space" yearns to Join the fun on earth. He catches the tail of a passing comet which frightens the night creatures as it crashes and brings soldiers speeding to defend the earth (and the ice cream man to sell to the spectators). The pale, soft creature in the crater is called an invader and thrown in Jail. One night as he wonders at his cruel treatment, the Moon Man notices that his left side has faded. "Why, I must be in my third quarter," he thinks happily. Every night as the moon grows thinner, so does he, until he is able to squeeze through the bars of his window. But his freedom is brief: chased by the police again, Moon Man comes upon an ancient Castle where a long-forgotten scientist is perfecting a spacecraft to reach the moon. Realizing that he can never live peacefully, on earth, Moon Man agrees to be the first passenger. Now that the space-craft has been launched successfully, Herr Doktor receives his delayed recognition; now that he has satisfied his curiosity, the Moon Man remains "ever after curled up in his shimmering seat in space." The contrast between the Moon Man, a foreshortened Uncle Fester, wistful and appealing and immaterial, and the stridency and stupidity of his tormentors' is exploited by the bright, galloping illustrations, as effective as any Tomi Ungerer has done. This has some of the sting of Dr. Strange-love—but tenderized, the contemporary charisma of Where the Wild Things Are: it's great.