A middle schooler survives a house fire but struggles in the aftermath.
Amber Price loves her older brother, Gage, even though he’s growing apart from her and keeps getting into trouble. Her dad’s anger over Gage’s behavior “is a rolling snowball” that affects the whole family, however. After a fire destroys their house, the stress amplifies the Prices’ lack of unity; Amber’s parents subsequently separate. The only silver lining is Gage, who rescued Amber from the fire. A middle school club hosts a fundraiser to help the family, focusing particularly on shy Gage’s heroism. Amber, who feels “basically invisible,” benefits socially from the attention. She also hopes that the fundraiser might bring her family back together, but she’s shocked to make a terrible discovery that could cost her the respect of her classmates. In this third-person narrative, Amber’s voice reads mature yet authentic for her age, the dialogue is natural-sounding, and the figurative language enhances the literary tone. The foreshadowing lessens the shock value of the big reveal, but the gradual unfolding of the truth works well in the story. Messages of care and empathy permeate the work even as Amber connects with other students whose struggles remain invisible to others: “Kindness is a gift…Everybody deserves it, no matter what.” Most characters read white.
A sincere and humane narrative that probes human complexity.
(Fiction. 12-14)