A print journalist and genial cable-TV pundit, spins the story of his public career so far—and gives the once-over to the green-room regulars, the C-list guests, the spin doctors, and the true believers.
Carlson’s got some views on zealots of all stripes, from the language police to the tobacco vigilantes. Deadly appraisals cover Jerry Falwell, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Alan Dershowitz, Bill Bradley, Dick Morris, and several TV producers. He’s not impressed with their mendacity. At least that’s the way it looks from his perch on the right. Gary Condit wasn’t so bad, as Carlson sees it, and John McCain fares quite well. Though George W. Bush pretty much gets a free pass, the list of absolute flakes, creepy candidates, political mountebanks, and mendacious legislators provides some good clean fun. It’s easy, entertaining stuff, even as Carlson explains those false rape charges or why he thinks Canadians are just “a shade off.” He neglects to reveal if his signature bow tie is a clip-on.