This bright and lively book requires readers to move, make noise, and enjoy.
From the very first page this book invites readers to get up and join in—literally: “Everybody up! It’s time to get moving!” A tan-skinned child with flowing brown hair instructs readers to stomp and clap along with a diverse group of friends in various scenarios and settings. Whether it’s a hillside, a beach, a grassy park, a snowy wood, a preschool classroom, or the living room couch, it’s always the perfect place to stomp and clap, wiggle and giggle with a friend. The text is rhythmic and silly: “Stomp just a LITTLE as you wiggle all your toes. / Stomp SIX times while you’re tapping on your nose.” Imagination is encouraged (“Stomp like you’re SITTING on a horse you like to ride”), as is taking a pause (“Stop for a second, stretch your body really wide”). Though the kids are taking the lead, the occasional benevolent adult also appears, drawn from a cast that’s diverse racially as well as gender- and agewise. There is little logic to the sequence, but that’s hardly the point: The illustrations blend vibrant colors and textures to create a vibe that matches the message.
If read with the right amount of verve (and it’s hard not to), this book should spice up storytimes.
(Picture book. 3-6)