Written from the point of view of a baby brother, and ostensibly intended for the younger sibling, this paean to older brothers will comfort first-borns who may have trouble adjusting to a new baby, showing them just how much they mean to their newest family members. Featuring large, bright photos of big brother from a baby’s perspective, the simple text describes all the wonderful things big brothers can do—play, feed the baby, create “the best” music on a whistle and drum—plus some of the less-than-wonderful things the long-suffering big brother puts up with—baby “feeding” him back and “singing” along. The photos present the baby’s-eye view perfectly; big brother is larger-than-life, and objects behind him (such as the family dog, in a hilarious shot of big brother wearing a fake dog nose) are appropriately out of focus. When big brother feeds baby, the spoon is clearly in focus while big brother is not. This original, playful, realistic, and reassuring take on newly acquired big brotherhood is a welcome addition to the genre, and is suitable for an especially wide age range, as parents can share it with both baby and big brother. A follow-up for big sisters would be a fine idea. (Picture book. 2-7)