A futuristic adventure has a few recessive genes (the publishers modestly say Swift, Jules Verne and Kathleen Winsor) and...



A futuristic adventure has a few recessive genes (the publishers modestly say Swift, Jules Verne and Kathleen Winsor) and follows Cecil Warburton, from the time when he is the sole survivor of a cruiser- presumably somewhere in the Antartic Circle. Competent and enterprising, Warburton is able to salvage most of the contents of the Hyacinth, from canned goods to a washing machine, and brings them to the rock where he builds a house. Not before too long, he is joined by the derelicts of another civilization- the lovely, imperial Dalonorma and her two daughters, and their servants. Through signs- and pictures- he learns that she has lost her husband, her son, and her throne- and he agrees to win it back for her and is rewarded by her love (her daughters are also eager to please). The conquest of her former kingdom is accomplished- but Warburton retains the power- establishes an army, industries, a university. And when he learns that the rest of the world faces destruction- the full meaning of his mission becomes clear... A totally released type of escape entertainment- going, going, gone. Is this todays' Harold McGrath?

Pub Date: May 24, 1954


Page Count: -

Publisher: Coward-McCann

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: May 1, 1954

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