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THE GREAT UNICORN RACE by Whitney Sanderson


From the Unicorns of the Secret Stable series, volume 8

by Whitney Sanderson ; illustrated by Jomike Tejido

Pub Date: Jan. 1st, 2021
ISBN: 978-1-63163-513-7
Publisher: Jolly Fish Press

Unicorn Guardians Ruby and Iris compete in a race to determine the better rider.

After a near collision on unicorn-back, sisters Ruby and Iris argue about who is at fault: Iris thinks Ruby needs to watch out while Ruby thinks Iris too fearful a rider. Their friend Cole, the Dragon Guardian, suggests a contest to resolve the conflict. He proposes that they race across the Diamond Desert to the Lotus Oasis, where they can find the Lotus Gem—the first to retrieve it wins. Ruby chooses a unicorn for size and strength; Iris opts for a smart unicorn who can “think fast and avoid trouble.” While Ruby’s desire for speed causes costly mistakes, she still manages to overtake Iris and, with single-minded focus, reach the gem first—triggering a calamity. Unable to outrun the trouble she’s accidentally caused, Ruby is lucky that Iris and her clever mount are there to guide her to safety. Ultimately, Ruby thinks Iris is the better rider for listening to her mount while Iris points out that Ruby was on track to win their contest as the faster rider. Discussion questions at the end of the book ask readers which skill is more important, riding fast or riding smart, but the text itself doesn’t denigrate Ruby’s talents to push a moral, landing on an ending that’s both ambiguous and joyful. Illustrated characters present White. Series companions Unique Unicorn, Starberry Magic, and Shadow Stallion publish simultaneously.

Character development and nuance enhance a simple, action-oriented plot.

(Fantasy. 6-8)