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LOVE LIFTED ME by William C. Noble Kirkus Star


Stories From the Childhood of a Replacement Child

by William C. Noble

Pub Date: March 21st, 2023
ISBN: 9781664293960
Publisher: WestBowPress

Noble presents a series of autobiographical short stories about growing up in Georgia.

In 1914, 26 years before the author was born, a boy known as “Little William” died from the flu at the age of 5. Little William was the son of the author’s maternal grandmother, Mamie; according to Noble, it was a death that she would never get over. Noble describes himself as Little William’s “replacement child.” In a series of stories that run to no more than a few pages each, the author describes growing up with this responsibility, as well as the many characters around him. It was a life dotted with peculiarities; he referred to his mother, Lucy, as “sister” until the age of 13. The stories take place in rural southern Georgia, in an area home to a cotton gin and two general stores. Bennett, Noble’s father, ran one store; the author writes that he “used me like a servant, treating me the way he had been treated by his own father” and was someone who “no one seems to have really known.” Such descriptions are the most striking aspect of the work; in simple prose, the author details how his grandmother would consult a Ouija board “when the future was unclear or marked by economic worries, or when health matters were fearful.” Though the entire book amounts to less than 100 pages, the characters and their quirks are memorable. Some are tragic, like a girl at Noble’s elementary school who was "accidentally" shot by her father. Even if some of the writing can feel generic (one character “was mad, with anger and rage directed especially toward those in the foreground of her life”), the individuals ultimately come alive.

A plain, revealing look at the contours of rural life in the American South.