May one be permitted to be honest and say one dislikes Faulkner, but — rather resentfully — acknowledges his pitiless power? And accept at the same time the fact that the Faulkner market is an important one, and a predictable one. This wont disappoint the fans. The setting is a new one for his full length novel — and the theme a strange one. A reporter, himself a pathological case, becomes involved with the amoral adventures of a strange trio who make their way by entering an inadequate and antiquated plane in so-called barn storming — flying circuses. The woman is married to the pilot — he won her on a throw of the dice — but shares her charms with his partner, the parachute jumper. And the mechanic and child tag along. Liquor — hunger — poverty — rather bloodless passions — and the background a southern city in the throes of Mardi Gras. It is not a tale for light reading.