Once again Winston Churchill proves that the power of his words lies in the spirit of the man behind the words, and that they read as well as they sound — a second time as well as a first. It is for this reason that the succession of volumes containing his speeches continue to find their place in the record of the years of war. It was interesting in read these after reading the Chiang Kai-shek speeches. Both men are reflected in their words; but to Churchill belongs the sense of fearless facing the unpleasant facts of defeat, as well as victory, the willingness to lay cards on the table, to accept the challenge of a functioning democracy. This collection — covering the year 1942 — spans an important turning point in the war, and some very vital moments. Of particular interest, today, is one speech I'd not read before, the one made to the coal miners in October, 1942, entitled Coal and War. It should be broadcast here and now, "must reading" for every member of the U.M.W.