Churchill has had as full a career as statesman, soldier, war correspondent and author as any Britisher today. He is the outstanding speaker in the House of Commons. He has had a finger in most of the crucial events of the past twenty years. Therefore, what he says cannot be lightly passed over. This is a collection of speeches made on salient matters, and one of the most interesting things about the book is the brief outline of events and dates, leading up to the reason for his speech, and placed before each speech. Germany Disarmed, Germany Rearing and Germany Armed — the three main sections of the book, indicate the general trend — a challenge to England to prepare, since she has not prevented. But more than the question of preparedness is discussed. Abyssinia sanctions, collective security, etc. etc. — the moot problems of today are many of them touched upon. Definitely pro-military, he makes his point convincingly. Watch for notices of his itinerary, as he comes to this country to lecture in October. Great Contemporaries was front page matter and widened his American market. This is scarcely likely to repeat the sales, in view of the nature of the content, but it is a book for all who would keep abreast of thought (and emotions) in England.