The true story of seven dwarves, a family of performers who survived the Holocaust.
The Ovitzes were one of only two families whose members all returned from Auschwitz, and to call that remarkable hardly does justice to their saga, related by Israeli journalists Koren and Negev in a number of different tones. It starts with the musicality of a fairy tale, recounting the life of Shimshon Eizik Ovitz, a dwarf born in 1868 to Jewish parents in Transylvania. Shimshon became a Badchan: “a merrymaker, a colorful, virtually indispensable figure at wedding festivals,” the authors explain, purveyor of “drollery, riddles, and anecdotes.” Of his ten children from two wives, seven were dwarves. Nine of them joined together in a vaudeville act called the Lilliput Troupe, expanding on their father’s repertoire to include love songs and local hits, broad jokes and comic scenes. In 1944 the family was shipped to Auschwitz. The narrative’s tone takes an emotional nosedive as the authors chronicle month by month the Ovitzes’ experiences in the camp, where they were taken under Dr. Josef Mengele’s protective wing (an oxymoronic phrase if ever there was one). Mengele considered the Ovitzes a eugenic gold mine: “Their desirability lay in their number and in their anomaly as an entire family.” They were abused and degraded, but they were also housed in one of the “family camps,” showcases for the Red Cross. They surrendered buckets of blood to Mengele, but each and every one survived, and here the story takes a more upbeat tone. After returning to an unfriendly Hungary, the Ovitzes traveled together, ultimately to Israel, where they resumed their careers and made a success despite the Yiddish character of their act “in a land where Yiddish was frowned upon, where the old culture was scorned and the folk traditions banished.” They were survivors all over again.
Horrifying yet mesmerizing: the authors never overplay a potentially melodramatic hand, and no reader will fail to admire the Ovitzes. (16 pp. b&w photos, not seen)