An animated film adaptation of Emma Yarlett’s children’s book Orion and the Dark is headed to Netflix, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
Yarlett’s book, published by Templar/Candlewick in 2015, tells the story of the title character, a little boy who’s scared of the dark. He’s visited by the personification of the dark, who takes him on an adventure to address his phobia. A critic for Kirkus praised it as “a funny, savvy bedtime story that addresses common fears.”
Charlie Kaufman, the Oscar-winning writer of films including Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, is penning the screenplay for the movie. DreamWorks Animation, the studio behind hits like Shrek and How To Train Your Dragon, is developing the movie, which is directed by Sean Charmatz.
Jacob Tremblay (Room, Wonder) will voice Orion in the film, with Paul Walter Hauser (BlacKkKlansman, Black Bird) taking on the role of the Dark.
Yarlett announced news of the adaptation on Instagram, writing, “This has been going on behind the [scenes] for years and years, and I really can’t believe that today is finally the day to celebrate and share the news. I am overwhelmed by the love, care, skill, inventiveness, creativity and attention to detail that DreamWorks have put into all aspects of the film.”
Orion and the Dark is scheduled to premiere on Netflix next year.
Michael Schaub, a journalist and regular contributor to NPR, lives near Austin, Texas.