Stephen Curry, Malala Yousafzai, and Susan Orlean are among the celebrities who will curate new book clubs for a Texas-based literary startup.

Book club company Literati announced the program in a news release on Wednesday. The clubs will begin in October, and subscribers will be able to discuss the books via an iOS app that’s currently in beta.

Golden State Warriors point guard Curry will curate a book club called “Underrated,” which will “include powerful stories of people—from sports to social justice—who defy the odds to achieve true greatness,” the company said.

Pakistani education activist Yousafzai’s club, “Fearless,” will spotlight authors who are often neglected and marginalized because of their backgrounds.

Orlean will run the “Private Collection” book club, which will feature beloved books from her personal library. There will also be book clubs curated by businessman Richard Branson and by the Joseph Campbell Foundation.

Literati CEO Jessica Ewing said the book clubs will celebrate the “power of books.”

“Our luminaries are looking to provide something uniquely valuable to the world,” Ewing said. “Whether it's surfacing underdog writers, highlighting new female voices, or sharing beloved books from their private collection, their selections carry a deeply personal meaning.”

Readers who sign up for the clubs will receive a print copy of selected books every month. The company is taking subscriptions now on its website.

Michael Schaub is a Texas-based journalist and regular contributor to NPR.