Acclaimed young adult authors George M. Johnson and Leah Johnson are collaborating on two romantic comedy novels centering on characters who are queer and Black, the Associated Press reports.

The writers, who are not related to each other, signed a deal with FSG Books for Young Readers for the novels. The first, There’s Always Next Year, is slated for publication in 2025.

Leah Johnson. Photo by Leah TribbettOn Instagram, Leah Johnson posted a plot synopsis of the novel, which is about two cousins who reunite in their Indiana hometown on New Year’s Day. “The cousins decide to right the wrongs from the night before by pursuing two parallel (and chaotic) love stories, determined to give the new year the start it deserves,” it reads.

George M. Johnson is best known for their 2020 “memoir-manifesto” All Boys Aren’t Blue, about their experience growing up Black and queer in New Jersey and Virginia. The book has been a target of censors, making the American Library Association’s list of the top 10 banned books of 2021.

Leah Johnson is the author of the critically acclaimed young adult novels You Should See Me in a Crown and Rise to the Sun.

Leah Johnson announced news of the book deal on Twitter, writing, “TANY is the black queer holiday rom-com I’ve waited my whole life for—I can’t believe I get to share it.” Less than an hour later, she tweeted, “They want us to sit down and shut up and keep our gay little stories to ourselves but little do they know this is just the beginning and they’re gonna have to stay sick about it.”

Michael Schaub, a journalist and regular contributor to NPR, lives near Austin, Texas.