David Sedaris has developed a reputation as one of the country’s sharpest essayists, but there’s one thing he just can’t understand: undecided voters.

“You see people and they would say, ‘Well, I haven’t quite made up my mind yet,’” Sedaris told Seth Meyers on the Late Night show Thursday. “And that makes me think of being on an airplane, and the flight attendant would come by and say, ‘You can either have the chicken or you can have this plate of human [beep] with ground glass in it,’ and saying, ‘How’s the chicken cooked?’”

Sedaris appeared on the show to promote his latest book, a greatest hits collection called The Best of Me. But his mind was on the election, specifically on people who chose not to vote. He talked about a New York Times article that featured a woman who said she didn’t vote because she found politics too divisive.

“What I thought was interesting is that she thought that by not voting, she was escaping all the divisiveness, but actually it just makes twice as many people hate you,” Sedaris said. “Republicans are going to hate you for not voting for Trump, and Democrats are going to hate you for not voting for Biden, so now everybody hates her.”

The Best of Me was published on Nov. 3 by Little, Brown.

Michael Schaub is a Texas-based journalist and regular contributor to NPR.