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Miller and Kelley (Three Stories You Can Read to Your Cat, not reviewed, etc.) return with what has become a solidly entertaining formula for children in transition from early readers to chapter books. A second-person text addresses its protagonist, the cat of the title, as it makes its way with feline superiority through three chapters. In “Happy Birthday,” the cat’s well-meaning owner presents a series of wholly unacceptable gifts—but the rustling wrapping paper makes a big hit. The “Funny White Stuff” turns out to be much more appealing from inside the window than outside, and “Breakfast Time” itself is anticlimactic compared to the fun of waking one’s owner. The gently ironic text always preserves the cat’s-eye view—“A nap was much more interesting than a dead mouse”—and the energetic ink-and-watercolor illustrations continue this conceit by picturing the cat’s human as only a set of hands or a pair of “clumping” feet. The illustrations vary nicely in size and placement, at all times keeping the text from overwhelming the newly independent reader, and capturing their subject in all moods, from disgruntlement to playfulness to full supine glory. Cat-owning children will instantly recognize the true dynamic of the relationship, and all children should enjoy the good humor that pervades this offering, which instructs readers in the introduction: “remember to pet your cat while you read.” (Easy reader. 6-9)

Pub Date: March 25, 2002

ISBN: 0-618-11035-6

Page Count: 48

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

Review Posted Online: May 19, 2010

Kirkus Reviews Issue: March 1, 2002

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The wriggly narrator of Diary of a Worm (2003) puts in occasional appearances, but it’s his arachnid buddy who takes center stage here, with terse, tongue-in-cheek comments on his likes (his close friend Fly, Charlotte’s Web), his dislikes (vacuums, people with big feet), nervous encounters with a huge Daddy Longlegs, his extended family—which includes a Grandpa more than willing to share hard-won wisdom (The secret to a long, happy life: “Never fall asleep in a shoe.”)—and mishaps both at spider school and on the human playground. Bliss endows his garden-dwellers with faces and the odd hat or other accessory, and creates cozy webs or burrows colorfully decorated with corks, scraps, plastic toys and other human detritus. Spider closes with the notion that we could all get along, “just like me and Fly,” if we but got to know one another. Once again, brilliantly hilarious. (Picture book. 6-8)

Pub Date: Aug. 1, 2005

ISBN: 0-06-000153-4

Page Count: 40

Publisher: Joanna Cotler/HarperCollins

Review Posted Online: May 19, 2010

Kirkus Reviews Issue: July 1, 2005

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Having put together a band with renowned cousin Duck Ellington and singer “Bee” Holiday, Rooster’s chances sure look...

Winning actually isn’t everything, as jazz-happy Rooster learns when he goes up against the legendary likes of Mules Davis and Ella Finchgerald at the barnyard talent show.

Having put together a band with renowned cousin Duck Ellington and singer “Bee” Holiday, Rooster’s chances sure look good—particularly after his “ ‘Hen from Ipanema’ [makes] / the barnyard chickies swoon.”—but in the end the competition is just too stiff. No matter: A compliment from cool Mules and the conviction that he still has the world’s best band soon puts the strut back in his stride. Alexander’s versifying isn’t always in tune (“So, he went to see his cousin, / a pianist of great fame…”), and despite his moniker Rooster plays an electric bass in Bower’s canted country scenes. Children are unlikely to get most of the jokes liberally sprinkled through the text, of course, so the adults sharing it with them should be ready to consult the backmatter, which consists of closing notes on jazz’s instruments, history and best-known musicians.

Pub Date: Sept. 1, 2011

ISBN: 978-1-58536-688-0

Page Count: 32

Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press

Review Posted Online: July 19, 2011

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Aug. 1, 2011

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