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Not exactly deep waters, but the message is delivered with tentacle-in-cheek buoyancy.

A jellyfish talks through identity issues with help from an undersea support group.

Addressing a diverse and understandably sympathetic group of sea stars (later joined by a sea horse), Edgar delivers an indignant monologue on how a jellyfish is nothing like a “fish,” lacking bones, scales, and gills. Moreover (as Edgar rightly points out), a jellyfish looks more like a white plastic shopping bag than the colorful marine life that otherwise populates Raymundo’s seascapes. Not only do other denizens of the deep like narwhals and hammerhead sharks have fancy or at least logical names, but having stinging tentacles rather than fins makes it hard to play or even keep up with fishy friends. It would be unfair to accuse Edgar of “overthinking” the issue too, because like all jellyfish, Edgar doesn’t have a brain either. The extended rant comes to a sudden end, though, with the discovery that a jellyfish is really good at one thing—floating—and the penny drops and Edgar’s anthropomorphic features light up: “No matter WHAT I’m called… / I am still ME!” Edgar concludes by congratulating the likewise-smiling invertebrate audience for making “someone feel like… / a STAR!”

Not exactly deep waters, but the message is delivered with tentacle-in-cheek buoyancy. (Picture book. 5-7)

Pub Date: June 4, 2019

ISBN: 978-0-525-55459-2

Page Count: 32

Publisher: Dial Books

Review Posted Online: April 27, 2019

Kirkus Reviews Issue: May 15, 2019

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Hee haw.

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The print version of a knee-slapping cumulative ditty.

In the song, Smith meets a donkey on the road. It is three-legged, and so a “wonky donkey” that, on further examination, has but one eye and so is a “winky wonky donkey” with a taste for country music and therefore a “honky-tonky winky wonky donkey,” and so on to a final characterization as a “spunky hanky-panky cranky stinky-dinky lanky honky-tonky winky wonky donkey.” A free musical recording (of this version, anyway—the author’s website hints at an adults-only version of the song) is available from the publisher and elsewhere online. Even though the book has no included soundtrack, the sly, high-spirited, eye patch–sporting donkey that grins, winks, farts, and clumps its way through the song on a prosthetic metal hoof in Cowley’s informal watercolors supplies comical visual flourishes for the silly wordplay. Look for ready guffaws from young audiences, whether read or sung, though those attuned to disability stereotypes may find themselves wincing instead or as well.

Hee haw. (Picture book. 5-7)

Pub Date: May 1, 2010

ISBN: 978-0-545-26124-1

Page Count: 26

Publisher: Scholastic

Review Posted Online: Dec. 28, 2018

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Accessible, reassuring and hopeful.

This endearing picture book about a timid boy who longs to belong has an agenda but delivers its message with great sensitivity.

Brian wants to join in but is overlooked, even ostracized, by his classmates. Readers first see him alone on the front endpapers, drawing in chalk on the ground. The school scenarios are uncomfortably familiar: High-maintenance children get the teacher’s attention; team captains choose kickball players by popularity and athletic ability; chatter about birthday parties indicates they are not inclusive events. Tender illustrations rendered in glowing hues capture Brian’s isolation deftly; compared to the others and his surroundings, he appears in black and white. What saves Brian is his creativity. As he draws, Brian imagines amazing stories, including a poignant one about a superhero with the power to make friends. When a new boy takes some ribbing, it is Brian who leaves an illustrated note to make him feel better. The boy does not forget this gesture. It only takes one person noticing Brian for the others to see his talents have value; that he has something to contribute. Brian’s colors pop. In the closing endpapers, Brian’s classmates are spread around him on the ground, “wearing” his chalk-drawn wings and capes. Use this to start a discussion: The author includes suggested questions and recommended reading lists for adults and children.

Accessible, reassuring and hopeful. (Picture book. 5-7)

Pub Date: Oct. 8, 2013

ISBN: 978-1-582-46450-3

Page Count: 40

Publisher: Knopf

Review Posted Online: Aug. 20, 2013

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Sept. 15, 2013

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