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From the Orca Timeline series , Vol. 6

Injects a little fresh content but likely to be lost in the crowd.

The story of vaccines and why it’s vital to get them.

In her introduction, Rae notes that she was motivated by a desire to understand not only how vaccines have been developed and tested, but also the reasons why people refuse to get them. She briefly covers philosophical and religious motivations for not getting vaccinated, and while she acknowledges that vaccines sometimes have unexpected side effects, she stresses that they are extremely rare. Retracing well-traveled territory, particularly since the onset of Covid-19, Rae offers young audiences a detailed but standard-issue account of the historical development of biological counters to diseases and epidemics from smallpox and polio to recent advances against malaria. Throughout, she makes equally familiar appeals to logic based on comparative death-rate statistics and like scientific studies. Along with nods to Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Louis Pasteur, and other notable figures of the past, she briefly profiles a dozen racially diverse modern medical workers and researchers. Before closing by urging readers to become “vaccine ambassadors,” she also discusses basic ways to identify misinformation and disinformation on the web and elsewhere. Dark-skinned figures are generously represented in the mix of children and scientists who appear in the paintings and photos.

Injects a little fresh content but likely to be lost in the crowd. (resources, index) (Nonfiction. 11-13)

Pub Date: April 16, 2024

ISBN: 9781459836945

Page Count: 96

Publisher: Orca

Review Posted Online: March 23, 2024

Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 15, 2024

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The author of the award-winning Mummies & Their Mysteries (1993) returns to the intriguing subject of mummies. Here she explains how they are formed, how scientists use a variety of sophisticated techniques to learn about peoples and cultures of long ago, and some of the controversies surrounding the study of human remains. As with the previous title, the photographs presented here are striking, from the Inca child who appears on the front cover, to the mummy of Egyptian King Seti I, which appears on the back. Other photographs show some of the first tattoos, details of the Iceman, an Italian child who died of smallpox 400 years ago, the remains of light-haired Caucasian mummies from Xinjiang, China, and the well-preserved bodies of Philip Calvert, governor of Maryland from 1660 to 1661. The science is impressive, as carbon-14 dating, CT scans, DNA profiling, and X-rays are used to solve ancient mysteries. What were the people like? What did they eat? When did they die? What caused their death? What were the diseases they suffered? The author also discusses the controversies as different cultures clash over studying human remains. She mentions the Native American Graves Protection and Reparation Act which gives Native Americans control over native remains buried on government land or held in collections owned or funded by the government, and discusses former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat’s, efforts to house Egyptian mummies in a more dignified way. Though Wilcox discusses respect for the dead, she nonetheless pictures the controversial “Human Body Art” of German artist Gunther von Hagens, and “Sylvester,” a mummy used to greet customers in a shop in Seattle. Also pictured are the remains of an outlaw put on display for 65 years as a moneymaking exhibit for a funeral parlor. The author concludes with a glossary, extensive bibliography including Web sites, and a detailed index. Intriguing science, dramatically presented. (Nonfiction. 9-13)

Pub Date: Aug. 15, 2000

ISBN: 1-57505-428-0

Page Count: 64

Publisher: Carolrhoda

Review Posted Online: May 19, 2010

Kirkus Reviews Issue: July 15, 2000

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An introduction to ancient Egypt and the Pharaohs buried in the Valley of the Kings. The authors begin with how archaeologist Howard Carter found the tomb of King Tut, then move back 3,000 years to the time of Thutmosis I, who built the first tomb in the Valley of the Kings. Finally they describe the building of the tomb of a later Pharaoh, Ramses II. The backward-forward narration is not always easy to follow, and the authors attribute emotions to the Pharaohs without citation. For example, “Thutmosis III was furious [with Hatshepsut]. He was especially annoyed that she planned to be buried in KV 20, the tomb of her father.” Since both these people lived 3,500 years ago, speculation on who was furious or annoyed should be used with extreme caution. And the tangled intrigue of Egyptian royalty is not easily sorted out in so brief a work. Throughout, though, there are spectacular photographs of ancient Egyptian artifacts, monuments, tomb paintings, jewels, and death masks that will appeal to young viewers. The photographs of the exposed mummies of Ramses II, King Tut, and Seti I are compelling. More useful for the hauntingly beautiful photos than the text. (brief bibliography, index) (Nonfiction. 10-12)

Pub Date: March 1, 2001

ISBN: 0-7922-7223-4

Page Count: 64

Publisher: National Geographic

Review Posted Online: May 19, 2010

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Jan. 1, 2001

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