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“Wherever we go we encounter horrible, creepy, nasty things that want to kill us,” exclaims buffalope Max in this third fantasy featuring Max, elfling Sebastian and diminutive warrior Cornelius. Following hair-raising escapades in Sebastian Darke: Prince of Fools (2008) and Sebastian Darke: Prince of Pirates (2009), the three friends seek the legendary lost city of Mendip, where fabulous treasure and ill fortune await. Wounded en route by murderous Gograth, Sebastian’s rescued by Keera, a strong-willed female of the Jilith tribe who quickly falls for him. After Cornelius successfully defeats the Gograth, the expedition survives a harrowing raft ride, carnivorous water dragons and Mendip’s ghoulish Night Runners to escape with treasure in tow. With Cornelius as bold strategist, Sebastian as kind-hearted humanist and Max as comic relief, friendship remains key in this adventure that questions the moral price of fortune hunting while maintaining the rapid pace and successful formula of its predecessors. Duddle's black-and-white illustrations capture key events. The unresolved finale suggests the possibility of still further adventures for this fearless trio. (Fantasy. 12-17)

Pub Date: April 13, 2010

ISBN: 978-0-385-73469-1

Page Count: 416

Publisher: Delacorte

Review Posted Online: Dec. 29, 2010

Kirkus Reviews Issue: March 15, 2010

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The wish-fulfilling title and sun-washed, catalog-beautiful teens on the cover will be enticing for girls looking for a...

Han’s leisurely paced, somewhat somber narrative revisits several beach-house summers in flashback through the eyes of now 15-year-old Isabel, known to all as Belly. 

Belly measures her growing self by these summers and by her lifelong relationship with the older boys, her brother and her mother’s best friend’s two sons. Belly’s dawning awareness of her sexuality and that of the boys is a strong theme, as is the sense of summer as a separate and reflective time and place: Readers get glimpses of kisses on the beach, her best friend’s flirtations during one summer’s visit, a first date. In the background the two mothers renew their friendship each year, and Lauren, Belly’s mother, provides support for her friend—if not, unfortunately, for the children—in Susannah’s losing battle with breast cancer. Besides the mostly off-stage issue of a parent’s severe illness there’s not much here to challenge most readers—driving, beer-drinking, divorce, a moment of surprise at the mothers smoking medicinal pot together. 

The wish-fulfilling title and sun-washed, catalog-beautiful teens on the cover will be enticing for girls looking for a diversion. (Fiction. 12-14)

Pub Date: May 5, 2009

ISBN: 978-1-4169-6823-8

Page Count: 288

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Review Posted Online: May 19, 2010

Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 15, 2009

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From the Aurelian Cycle series , Vol. 1

Full of drama, emotional turmoil, and high stakes.

What happens to the world after the dust from a revolution has settled?

Friends Annie and Lee were children from very different circles when Atreus killed Lee’s father, dragonlord Leon Stormscourge, ending the uprising on the bloodiest day in Callipolis’ history. For too long the dragonriders held all the power while their people starved and lived in fear. Nine years later, a new generation of dragonriders is emerging, children selected and trained on merit, not bloodlines. Their dragons are finally mature enough for them to compete for Firstrider, a position of power that can give Lee back a small part of what his family lost. However, not only is Lee competing against Annie, but rumors are circulating that some of the royal family have survived and have dragons of their own. Everyone will have to make a choice: Restore the old regime, support the First Protector and the new caste system he created, or look for a new way, no matter what the cost. From the beginning, this book pulls readers in with political intrigue and action. What keeps them invested, however, are the complex relationships between many cast members. Choices are complex, and the consequences for all could be deadly. The world is well fleshed out and believable. Annie and Lee are light skinned; secondary characters are diverse, and race is a nonissue in this world.

Full of drama, emotional turmoil, and high stakes. (author’s note) (Fantasy.14-17)

Pub Date: Oct. 15, 2019

ISBN: 978-0-525-51821-1

Page Count: 448

Publisher: Putnam

Review Posted Online: July 23, 2019

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Aug. 15, 2019

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